Aligned AF Club

Start living life on purpose!!

Start taking consistent action that is aligned with your core values and intentions.

Go after what your really-really want… create your dream life.

Special pricing good until the end of the year, so don’t delay…only $20.20/month

Join Us!!

Does this sound familiar?

  • You are living Groundhogs Day - everyday feels like the last and you are yearning for something more

  • Drowning in societal (and self-imposed) expectations, constantly juggling what you 'should' be doing versus what you truly want to do?

  • You are feeling lost, unsure of where you're headed or what goals to set, desperately needing a roadmap for the life you truly desire?

  • You know daily rituals and self-care habits would support a more fullfilling existence, but you struggle to prioritize them.

  • You are tired of navigating this journey alone, craving a supportive community that not only cheers for your wins but holds you accountable to your goals?

  • Frustrated with short-term fixes that never seem to stick, and you’re ready to create lasting and impactful change in your life?

If you relate to any of the above, the Aligned AF Club is for you!! It's more than a membership; it's your partner in breaking free from struggles and overwhlem, guiding you towards a life that resonates with your most authentic self.

What people are saying...

What people are saying...

I’ve been going to Dream and Plan Sundays with Debbie Harrell in the (Aligned AF Club) New World Normal for about a year. I love that we take time to reflect on the good things that have happened in the past week, take inventory on where we are today, and plan what our intentions are for the coming week. This hour has helped me feel more in control of my schedule and make steady progress towards my goals. Debbie helps me take a good look at myself without judgment and celebrate the small wins to stay motivated!
— Audra C

Wouldn’t it be nice…

  • to say good-bye to the “Mondays” for good?

  • to confidently (and consistently) prioritize what matters most to you?

  • if self-care and daily rituals became a consistent and enjoyable part of your daily life?

  • to be part of a supportive community to celebrate with and provide gentle accountability?

  • to reconnect with your inner most desires, you truest hopes & dreams?

  • to feel like you were accomplishing more by actually doing less?

  • to take daily aligned action to create a life of purpose and joy?

  • to prioritize personal growth and feel empowered to handle whatever life (and the news cycle) throws at you?

What you’ll get

  • Dream & Plan Sundays

    We come together every Sunday to reflect on a celebrate the past week, and prepare for the week ahead. Whether you are time-blocking and appt setting or you are journaling about how you want the coming week to feel, this practice will help you say good bye to the “Mondays” for good!

  • New Moon Intentions

    Where DPS focuses on the week ahead, our New Moon Gathering calls for us to zoom out and look at our intentions for the coming month, season or longer. The practice we use asks us to get as big and dreamy as we dare. I try to schedule for the day before the New Moon so you can still do any other rituals you’d like.

  • Full Moon Reflection

    Our culture tends to focus so much on productivity and moving forward quickly, but In this Full Moon practice we come together to reflect and celebrate where we are and how we have grown. We come together to intentionally celebrate each other, and spoiler we celebrate IT ALL!!

  • Collective Presents

    The Collective Presents is a series of workshops on a variety of personal development, self0care and social issues. These events are always free to attend live, but the replays are ontly available in the Aligned AF Club Resource Library.. .

  • 24/7 Online Community

    All of this goodness happens in an online communty created away from the noise and distraction of all the social media platfforms. So if you have intentions to spend less time on Social Media then the Aligned AF Club can help!

  • Collaboration Opportunities

    The Collective by NWN encourages cooperation & collaboration over competition. so please include your services and offers in your profile. If you have an idea for a workshop that you’d like to present or a topinc you’d like to discuss on the podcast let me know!

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.
— Aristotle

~ Special Pricing good until 12/31

~ Special Pricing good until 12/31

Black Friday

Cyber Monday

Year End Special

Only $20.20/month and the first week is FREE, so it’s zero risk and all reward